Relations between biogeochemical cycles and the role of wetlands as green filters: effects of eutrophication, plant species and the season of the year for carbon sequestration.


Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain


01/01/2011 to 31/12/2014

Project Manager
Partnership Entities

Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena and Universidad de Murcia

General Objectives

The initial hypothesis, based on the results of previous projects, is that the presence of eutrophicated water influences biogeochemical cycles and therefore the role of wetlands as green filter perhaps may not be entirely compatible with an effective carbon sequestration.
This project aims to answer the following question: Is the capacity for carbon sequestration of semiarid Mediterranean wetlands affected by the role of green filters played by these environments? To answer this question, the overall objective of this proposal is: to study the physiological, microbiological and biogeochemical processes related to cycles of carbon and nutrients in the plant-soil-water system of wetlands affected by eutrophicated waters, in order to determine what extent the species of plant, nutrient loading and periods of flooding-drying affect the ability of these systems to sequester carbon and act at the same time as green filters.


Specific objectives are:
1. Determine to what extent the decomposition of the "litter" from different plant species is influenced by the presence of high nitrogen, phosphorus and dissolved organic carbon contents in eutrophicated waters and if this is related to the season of the year in which flooding-drying phases ocurr
2. Determine in what extent of soil microbial activity related to the carbon cycle is influenced by the type of "litter" and by the presence of high nitrogen, phosphorus and dissolved organic carbon contents in eutrophicated waters and if this is related to the season of the year in which flooding-drying cycles ocurr.
3. Determine to what extent the release of N2O, CO2 and CH4 (greenhouse gases) is influenced by the type of "litter" and by the presence of high nitrogen, phosphorus and dissolved organic carbon contents in eutrophicated waters and if this is related to the season of year in which flooding-drying phases ocurr.
4. Determine the possible impact of the eutrophic water on the balance of organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the plant-soil system from these wetlands.

Project Results


* Tercero MC, Álvarez-Rogel, J., Conesa HM, Párraga, I, González-Alcaraz MN. 2016.  Phosphorus retention and fractionation in soils and Phragmites australis plants in eutrophic wetlands: a one-year mesocosms experiment under fluctuating conditions. Journal of Environmental Management, 190: 197-207.

Álvarez-Rogel, J., Tercero, M.C., Arce, M.I., Delgado, M.J., Conesa, H.M., González-Alcaraz, M.N. 2016. Nitrate removal and potential soil N2O emissions in eutrophic salt marshes with and without Phragmites australis. Geoderma. 282:49-58.

* Tercero MC, Álvarez-Rogel J, Conesa HM, Ferrer MA, Calderón AA, López-Orenes A, González-Alcaraz MN. 2015. Response of biogeochemical processes of the water-soil-plant system to experimental flooding-drying conditions in an eutrophic wetland: the role of Phragmites australis. Plant Soil 396: 109–125.

PhD Thesis

Title: Procesos biogeoquímicos y eliminación de nitrógeno y fósforo de aguas eutrofizadas en humedales del entorno del Mar Menor: resultados experimentales en mesocosmos. Student: María del Carmen Tercero Gómez. Supervisors: María Nazaret González Alcaraz and José Álvarez Rogel. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. ETSIA-UPCT. Fecha: March 2017.


Title: Papel de Phragmites australis en la dinámica del nitrógeno en humedales con diferente grado de eutrofización: resultados experimentales en mesocosmos. Student: Rosa María Gea Caballero. Agronomy Engineering. Dec 2013.

Title: Dinámica del fósforo en humedales con diferente grado de eutrofización: resultado experimentales en mesocosmos. Student: María Estévez Magaña. Degree in Agronomy Engineering. Dec 2014.


Álvarez-Rogel, J.; Tercero, M.C.; Delgado, M.J.; Conesa, H.M.; González-Alcaraz, M.N. Biogeochemical changes, microbial activity, and ecosystem services, in eutrophic wetlands with and without vegetation: a mesocosms experiment focused in the nitrogen cycle. Platform. SETAC EUROPE 24TH ANNUAL MEETING. Basilea (Suiza). May 2014.

Tercero, M.C.; Álvarez-Rogel, J.; Arce, M.I., Conesa, H.M.; Gea, R.; Delgado, M.J.; González-Alcaraz, M.N. Dinámica de N en humedales con diferente grado de eutrofización: papel de Phragmites australis en el balance de NO3- retirado del agua-N2O emitido a la atmósfera. PLATFORM. VI Congreso Ibérico de la Ciencia del Suelo. Santiago de Compostela. Jun 2014.

José Álvarez-Rogel; María N. González-Alcaraz; María del C. Tercero; Héctor M. Conesa; María I. Arce; Héctor M. Conesa; María José Delgado. Desarrollo experimental y primeros datos de un estudio realizado en mesocosmos sobre las condiciones biogeoquímicas y los ciclos del carnono y nitrógeno en humedales salinos eutrofizados y no eutrofizados. ORAL. V Congresso Ibérico da Ciência do Solo. Azores (Portugal). Sept 2012.