Researcher ID: F-8562-2016
Orcid Code: 0000-0002-2031-3245
Supervisor of 5 PhD Thesis
Total citations: 814
h index: 17
Within a general line of research related to plant ecology, I began my scientific trajectory on plant dynamics in burned ecosystems, although in the last 10 years I have been mainly engaged in the study of the biology of endangered plant species and the study of the germinative behavior of halophytic species.
Coordinator of the Life+ project: Conservation of Astragalus nitidiflorus in its potential habitat in the Murcia region. Acrónimo: CONSERVASTRAGALUS, LIFE11 BIO/ES/727. EU Comission, LIFE+ program.
AUTHORS: ONDOÑO, S., MARTÍNEZ-SANCHEZ, J.J., MORENO, J.L. TITLE: The composition and depth of green roof substrates affect the growth of Silene vulgaris and Lagurus ovatus species and the C and N sequestration under two irrigation conditions. JOURNAL: Journal of Environmental Management, 166: 330-340. 2016.
AUTHORS: F. SEGURA, M. J. VICENTE, J.A. FRANCO, J.J. MARTÍNEZ-SANCHEZ. TITLE: Effects of maternal environmental factors on physical dormancy of Astragalus nitidiflorus seeds (Fabaceae), a critically endangered species of SE Spain. JOURNAL: Flora, 216: 71-76. 2015.
AUTHORS: F. SEGURA, J.J. MARTÍNEZ-SANCHEZ, M AGUADO, J.A. FRANCO, M. J. VICENTE. TITLE: Could recently locally extinct population patches of Astragalus nitidiflorus regenerate from the soil seed bank?. JOURNAL: Journal of Arid Environments, 110. 75-78. 2014
AUTHORS: AGUADO, M., VICENTE M.J., FRANCO, J.A. & MARTÍNEZ-SÁNCHEZ, J.J. TITLE: The role of the soil seed bank in the unpredictable habitat of Anthemis chrysantha J. Gay, a critically endangered species. JOURNAL: Flora, 207: 903- 907. 2012
AUTHORS: . FRANCO, J.A., V. CROS, M.J. VICENTE & J.J. MARTÍNEZ-SÁNCHEZ. TITLE: Effects of salinity on the germination, growth, and nitrate contents of purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) cultivated under different climatic conditions. JOURNAL: Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 86 (1): 1-6. 2011.
AUTHORS: AGUADO, M., MARTÍNEZ-SÁNCHEZ, J.J. REIG-ARMIÑANA, J., GARCÍA-BREIJO, F.J., FRANCO, J.A. & VICENTE, M.J. TITLE: Morphology, anatomy and germination response of heteromorphic achenes of Anthemis chrysantha J. Gay (Asteraceae), a critically endangered species. JOURNAL: Seed Science Research, 21: 283-294. 2011.
AUTHORS: MARTÍNEZ-SÁNCHEZ, J.J. SEGURA, F., AGUADO, M., FRANCO, J.A. & VICENTE, M.J. TITLE: Life history and demographic features of Astragalus nitidiflorus, a critically endangered species. JOURNAL: Flora, 2006:423-432. 2011.
AUTHORS: AGUADO, M., MARTÍNEZ-SÁNCHEZ, J.J., REIG-ARMIÑANA, J., GARCÍA-BREIJO, F.J., FRANCO, J.A. & VICENTE M.J. TITLE: Morphology, anatomy and germination response of heteromorphic achenes of Anthemis chrysantha J.Gay (Asteraceae), a critically endangered species. JOURNAL: Seed Science Research, 21: 283- 294. 2011
PhD Thesis as Supervisor in the last 10 years
TITLE: El cultivo de la verdolaga (Portulaca oleracea L.) en bandejas flotantes. Aspectos de producción y calidad de las plantas. D. Victor Cros Gutiérrez. May 2007. Apto Cum Laude.
TITLE: Biological and Ecological Traits of Anthemis chrysantha J. Gay (Asteraceae), a Critically Endangered Species. Dña. Mayra Aguado López. Dec 2012. Apto Cum Laude.
TITLE: Design and characterization of optimal substrates for the growth of Mediterranean plant species in extensive green roof systems under semi-arid conditions. Dña. Sara Ondoño Tovar. Jun 2015. Apto Cum Laude.
TITLE: Estudio de la biología y ecología de Astragalus nitidiflorus. Francisco José Segura Carreras. Dec 2015. Apto Cum Laude