Overview of our work

We work on projects and research contracts, including descriptive field studies, and experimental trials at field, greenhouse, lab and climatic chambers with controleld atmosphere.

Our sources of funding are public funds (competitive regional, national and European calls) and private (companies).

The work topics focus on environmental aspects of ecosystems and agroecosystems, from the point of view of the soil-plant relationships, sediments, soil and water contamination and ecotoxicity, and eutrophication. In the "What we do" section of this website a detailed description of our subjects and our projects and contracts appears.

We have our own laboratories equipped for the analysis of soil, water and plant samples, as well as access to the common laboratories of the Technical Research Support Service (SAIT) of the UPCT. We also have our own greenhouse for the development of experiments, located at the Agri-food Experiment Station Tomás Ferro (ETSIA-UPCT ). In the section "Facilities and Equipment" of this website a detailed description of our equipment and laboratories appears.

We publish our results in top-level international journals. We participate in congresses, symposiums, workshops, seminars, etc. See the "Publications" section of this website for the details of our publications.

We collaborate with other research groups of the Technical University of Cartagena, but also with the University of Murcia, CEBAS-CSIC, and other Spanish and European research centers. In the "Members" section of this website you can find the list of active members, collaborators and former members of the research group. For each member appears his / her specialty and the highlights of his / her curriculum.

We teach in courses of Degree, Master and Doctorate of the UPCT and other universities, as well as other courses, talks, conferences, seminars, etc., both nationally and internationally. We conducted doctoral theses, master's and master's degree projects.

We receive Erasmus students to conduct research stays and students of training courses to do practices in our facilities.